In the creation of basis for the rational exploration of deposits, the essential problem consists of approximate approach of variation of parameters reflecting the ore quality. Basing on traditional methods, we can understand only the level of variation, but not the peculiarity and structure of variation of these parameters. By the use of variograms in geostatistics, the authors of this article have been carrying out the quantitative spatial study on parameters characterizing the ore quality and having the role of causing difficulties to the deposit exploration. They have been recognizing the variation character of studied parameters in the space of each ore body, and so, contributing in the modernization of the evaluation of deposits. The authors have been using informations received from bauxite ore bodies lying in the typical lateritic weathering crust of a deposit in their calculations. The use of study results on the Al2O3 and SiO2 has been allowing them to estimate that both of these parameters have the near-standard distribution, among them Al2O3 belongs to the type of very regular variation, while SiO2 – regular variation. However, they have different variation characteristics: SiO2 changes more complicatedly than Al2O3 and has manifestation of regional anisotropy. These results create the basis of selecting the form and density of the exploration network conforming with ore bodies.