The North Trung Bộ region has a total area of 51,515 km2 and a population of 10.7 million persons (2008), occupying 1/6 of area and 12.5% of population of the country. In this region, the medium to high mountainous area occupies over 2/3 of the region with the feature of steep and strongly dissected slope with the slope from the west eastward of over 5%. At the same time, this region has complicated geological structure, with strong tectonic activities, severe climate and irregularly distributed. With these features, in the North Trung Bộ region there are many latent geohazards of large scale, bearing the systematic character in many areas with such hazards as: rock slide, earth washout, flash flood, tubular flood, earth cracking, earth subsidence, … causing many large damages to the community life.