On the basis of analytic results of Bouguer gravity anomalies combining with other geologo-geophysical data in the Giao Thủy area, we received the following results:
1/ The greatest depth to the bottom of structural layers existing in the Giao Thủy area are as follows:
- Hải Hưng structural layer: from 70 to 76 m.
- Hà Nội structural layer: from 120 to 130 m.
- Lệ Chi structural layer: from 250 to 260 m.
- The depth to the bottom of Vĩnh Bảo Fm: from 450 to 460 m.
2/ Density value of the Hải Hưng Fm is 1,40-1,64 g/cm3; Hà Nội Fm is 1,45-1,70 g/cm3; Lệ Chi Fm is 1,54-1,78 g/cm3; and Vĩnh Bảo Fm is 1,63-1,90 g/cm3.