The Sidescan sonar method is based on the transmition of high frequency (100kHz - 500kHz) acoustic waves and records backscattered signals from the seabed and from the objects situated on the sea floor. The returned sigals describe the morphology of the sea floor with high accuracy.
Sidescan sonar mapping has been applied in many fields: Studying ocean and intracontinental deep water bodies,; characteristics of topography; surface sediments on the sea floor (Lithological compositions, grain size and physical properties, etc.); marine engineering, and searching sunk objects ...
Since 2006 to present, the Marine Geology and Mineral Resources Center has conducted sidescan sonar survey by using CM2 device (C_Max, England) during carrying out basic research projects on geology and mineral resources at 1:50.000, 1:100.000 scales (0-30 water depth) and at 1:500.000 scale (30-100 water depth).
After 8 years of application, the effectiveness of this method in marine geology and mineral resources investigation has been confirmed.